The Shell of the Soft Gelatin Capsules comprises of pure pharmaceutical grade Gelatin, a plasticizer ( usually Glycerine ), and other ingredients. Gelatin Shell raw Materials are accurately weighed and then blended with demineralized water and melted under vacuum in large stainless steel pressure tanks. Completed batches are then transferred to the production lines in heat controlled receiving tanks in which the gelatin mass is maintained at the required temperature and viscosity. |
A wide range of materials can be encapsulated in Soft Gelatin Capsules from mobile liquids to thick suspensions. If any of the ingredients is a solid or crystalline material, it is combined with a liquid excipient such as vegetable oil and homogenized in a speed controlled stainless steel blender. The mixture is then precision-milled, sieved and deaerated. The fill material is released to the encapsulation lines in covered, stainless steel dispensing tanks only after approval by the Quality Control Laboratory. |
The Gelatin Mass is fed to the Encapsulation Machines through two temperature-controlled dispensing units which cast the material on an air-cooled rotating drum, forming two continuous gelatin ribbons controlled in thickness to a hundred of a millimeter. When the moving ribbons pass between two precision die rolls, the material to be encapsulated is accurately filled on the Gelatin. The filled capsule halves are then sealed together and cut from the ribbon. Production run for a new product starts only after the strict inspection by quality assurance inspectors. |
Capsules from the Encapsulation Machines are transferred to Enclosed rotating driers by conveyor belt. Triple-filtered, temperature-controlled air is forced through the stainless steel driers. Capsules are tumbled in the drier and then are automatically released into stainless steel bins. Then these capsules are spread on specially designed trays and placed in thermostatically controlled drying area for a final drying cycle of 24 to 96 hours. |